Monthly Archives: February 2017
WSJ – Yield Buoys Utility Stocks
Last weekend's Wall Street Journal had a big headline on page B10, discussing utility stock's big move last week. The S&P 500 utilities were up about 4% last week, which was the group's best weekly move since July. The article attributed the rise to falling interest rates, but this is earnin
Barron’s – ETF Deathwatch
The ETF Focus column on page 29 of this weekend's Barron's (see here) discussed the ETF Deathwatch list maintained by Ron Rowland. (You can find the latest list here.) The basic criteria to get on the list are under $25M AUM and average trading volume below $100,000. The latest list has 468 name
NYT – How NYC gets its electricity
Article in today's New York Times today helps explain how New York City is supplied with electricity. (You can find the article here.) If you are not that familiar with how the electric system works this is a good article to get you started.
Trouble at California Dam
A gaping hole has been found in the spillway of the Oroville Dam in northern California. It is the tallest dam in the US, at 770 feet. There are some fantastic pictures out on the internet (see here and here for some) Of course if there is a dam there is likely hydro power, and the Oroville Da
Barron’s – Vistra Energy
Just a few weeks ago I commented about how Barron's had not picked a single utility in all of 2016. (See here) This past weekend they wrote a full page article about Vistra Energy (see here). (You can also see a short video from Barron's discussing the stock here) Vistra Energy came out of the
Utility Stats Monthly
The latest issue of the Utility Stats Monthly has come out. One interesting item to notice from this month's report is that flat power prices in all nine regions tracked in the report were higher this January than last January. Natural gas prices are obviously higher this year, but it could also