Monthly Archives: March 2017
Barrons – Juicy Yields
The Speaking of Dividends column in this weekend's Barron's (see here) talked about stocks with high dividend yields, and the possibility that the high yield could mean something other than a cheap stock. When you look at a list of the largest US electric utilities you can see that there are nam
Wind vs. Hydro in the US
On March 6 the EIA put out a release stating that wind had now passed hydro as the renewable resource with the most installed capacity in the US. (see release here) The EIA divides the continental US into nine different regions, so I took a look at historical hydro and wind generation at a region
WSJ- California Green Power
On Monday there was an article on page B1 in the Wall Street Journal discussing California's plans for increasing its use of renewable energy. (see here) There were a number of different issues discussed in the article. California's goal is to have 50% of it power be generated by renewable resou
Barron’s – Credit Ratings and Dividends
Page 40 of last weekend's Barron's (see here) discussed credit ratings as something to consider when looking at company dividends. The article presented a table with a number of industrial companies all with credit ratings above A-. I recreated the table for North American utilities with credit