Tag Archives: Businessweek
Businessweek PG&E article
Page 46 of this week's issue of Businessweek had a large article on PG&E. (See here) Lots of good information on the company's history and problems. There is one nuance of the situation that the article seemed to miss. The article discusses the work PG&E has done with renewables, and a
Investors in California utilities, particularly PCG, have been thinking about wildfires a lot lately. People keep discussing the increase in fires over the last few decades, and that utilities could be at risk for some of the costs of the fires if their equipment is involved in the start of the
Nuclear Power Struggles – recent WSJ and Businessweek articles
Page B1 of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (online version here) and page 28 of the December 26 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek (online version here) contained articles discussing the difficulties US nuclear generators are having in today's low cost natural gas environment. The WSJ article shows