Tag Archives: DTE
Barrons – Baby Bonds
The latest issue of Barron's had an article discussing "Baby Bonds". These bonds typically have a $25 par value, and most trade just like stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. (See article here.) Two electric utility bonds were actually mentioned in the article, one by the Tennessee Valley Auth
Barron’s 2016 Top Picks – No Utilities
On page 18 of this weekend's issue, Barron's reviewed the performance of their 2016 picks. (see here) One thing that is interesting to note is there was not a single utility in this list. One explanation could be the big run that the group had early in the year. Also, the threat of higher in
Michigan Nuke Closure
Last week Consumers Energy announced they would terminate a power purchase agreement with Entergy early. Entergy announced they would shut down the Palisades nuclear plant in 2018, the source of the electricity for this Consumers contract. There was an interesting article in the Midwest Energy N