Tag Archives: Utility Stats Monthly
Seeking Alpha and Utility Stats Monthly
Seeking Alpha published my review of September's utility performance today. (You can find the article here.) This month represents a change in my Utility Stats Monthly publication. Now the monthly commentary on utility stocks which had previously been in Utility Stats Monthly, will only be ava
Regional Demand Data added to Utility Stats Monthly
A new data set was added to the Utility Stats Monthly this month. This new set provides historic load and energy usage for six different regional transmission operators. The table below shows how demand and energy in July compared to last year. (Source SNL) As you can see, electricity us
Utility Stats Monthly
The latest issue of the Utility Stats Monthly has come out. One interesting item to notice from this month's report is that flat power prices in all nine regions tracked in the report were higher this January than last January. Natural gas prices are obviously higher this year, but it could also